「祝福へ 進むチカラになる」 

Move forward to your blessing

To the Future To the World To the Blessing

Thanks a lot 


May 31, 2024 Partially updated Experiencing   a breathtaking phone call from Paris,Roland Garros

I remember that it was a summer of 2008 in the United States, and it was a balmy hot summer on the West Coast.

At the Junior Tennis Academy in a small rural town about 90 minutes north of LA,I witnessed a scene of two teenage Japan tennis players that shook the world.

SoGood! SoGoodJapanese!

The development coach praised the teenage Japan tennis player who played in the U.S. Open Jr. division.

He was coached by a coach who was also coached by Mr Roger Federer

And I remember the time when the juniors and coaches from other countries were more excited than raised by the dynamic of a teenage Japan professional tennis player on the TV in the relaxation room of the academy.

I remember that summer, on the courts, on the paths between the clubhouse and the courts, and in the training room, when we made eye contact with people from other countries, when we passed each other, 

I remember that it was continued praise for the teenage Japan tennis men who shook the world and Smiling communication

When I think back to those days, I don't know why, but the corners of my eyes get hot.

It reminds me of the excitement of a young teenage tennis player in Japan who excites people around the world.

Currently in Paris, France, is the French Open. As of May 27.

As Ms Naomi Osaka's mom, she took on the challenge again as a player, won the first round, and Mr Nishikori also won a big battle  News、、、 Good luck to the two tennis players and Japan tennis players, and to the French Open players from all over the world.

I would like to express my best wishes and look forward to the daily news.

I would also like to express my sincere wishes for a wonderful time for the team and everyone involved.

People who are working hard toward their goals with all their hearts and souls feel beautiful and cool.

I believe that there are people all over the world who are doing their best Mr./Ms..

And children in developing countries say that they are studying hard with a grateful heart and no time to spare.

Encouraged by the dynamism of the TENNIS personnel at the French Open, we hope to be able to compete well with our future rivals.

In order to be able to use the excitement of TENNIS and sports as a bridge between children's ability to live and be happy,

We would like to move forward.

We believe that our small step will eventually lead to the Grand Slam Center Court.

We believe that our small steps will eventually lead to smiles on the faces of children who will walk in the future.

We hope that the skies around the world in 2050 and in the future will be blue skies.

2024年5月31日 一部更新  TENNIS4大大会フランスパリの息吹に触れて 


ロサンゼルスから車で90分ほど北上したちいさな田舎町のジュニアテニスアカデミーにて、二人の10代の日本人テニスマンが世界の方々を震撼させる光景を目の当たりにしました。SoGood!SoGoodJapanese!かつてロジャーフェデラー選手もジュニア時代に師事していたコーチに指導を受けていらっしゃった強化担当コーチはUS OPEN Jrの部で躍動された10代の日本人テニスプレイヤーをしきりに絶賛していました。そして、アカデミーのリラックスルームのテレビに映る、日本期待のホープ、10代の日本人プロテニスマンの躍動に、異国のジュニアたちが、コーチたちが、絶賛というより、大興奮していた時間を思い出します。


















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